Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Added: Keppel Infrastructure Trust

Bought 45,000 shares of Keppel Infrastructure Trust on 2 Apr at $0.46.

Reasons for buying Keppel Infrastructure Trust:
1) 8.1% dividend yield
2) Quarterly dividend 
3) Non−Renounceable Preferential Offering at $0.441 for the acquisition of Ixom. Thus, not expecting rights/offering for the rest of this year
4) 52w low at $0.44
5) 5 years low around $0.44 too

6) Stable and predicable cashflow 
7) Most of the REITS and stock are near to 52w high at this moment. Thus, limited choice of stock to purchase too.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for bringing my attention to this baby. maybe gonna nibble some :)
