Sunday, November 26, 2017

Book Review: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

I just finished reading this book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T.Harv Eker.

As the book title, it is about how Millionaire think.
I believe after working in the Corporate world, you should/will discover that the way higher Management think vs the rest of the staff thinking are very different. This is the reason why they are on top of the hierarchy while the rest is at the middle or bottom of the hierarchy.

I like this book is because it is about conditioning your brain.
It have 17 Wealth File to show you the Rich (Millionaire) perspective vs Poor (Low income) perspective when they encounter the same issue.  If you expecting this book to teach you some secret tools to become a Millionaire, I am afraid you will be disappointed.

  Rich People……………... Poor People……………...
Wealth File #1 believe "I create my life." believe "Life happens to me."
Wealth File #2 play the money game to win play the money game to not lose
Wealth File #3 are committed to being rich want to be rich
Wealth File #4 think big think small
Wealth File #5 focus on opportunities focus on obstacles
Wealth File #6 admire other rich and successful people resent rich and successful people
Wealth File #7 associate with positive, successful people associate with negative or unsuccessful people
Wealth File #8 are willing to promote themselves and their value think negatively about selling and promotion
Wealth File #9 are bigger than their problems are smaller than their problems
Wealth File #10 are excellent receivers are poor receivers
Wealth File #11 choose to get paid based on results choose to get paid based on time
Wealth File #12 think "both" think "either/or"
Wealth File #13 focus on their net worth focus on their working income
Wealth File #14 manage their money well mismanage their money well
Wealth File #15 have their money work hard for them work hard for their money
Wealth File #16 act in spite of fear let fear stop them
Wealth File #17 constantly learn and grow think they already know

Please read the book for more details on these 17 wealth file.

Why I find conditioning the brain is more important to master first then follow by learning the tools is because:

The above is called Process of manifestation.

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